Special envoy

My company had been doing the so-called supplier tour for some time, a way of getting to know first-hand a good number of suppliers of the main instruments that we then offer to our end customers. For us it is essential to have reliable suppliers in order to guarantee the best service to our customers. In a certain way, we depend on them and that is why a fluid relationship with them is so important, because in the event of any failure, we will be responsible to the client.

However, in the last two years, my company canceled this tour for health reasons since, after all, it was not something essential either, although it was important. But given the current best circumstances, it has been decided to resume this custom and I will be one of the members of the ‘embassy’ for which we have already collected our Carabiner Pendants – lanyards that must be presented at the suppliers’ branches.

For me it will be the first time and it is a good opportunity to learn how other companies in our same sector work, even if they are dedicated to providing supplies and not offering final solutions like us. But, as other colleagues have told me, the experience is very interesting from a work point of view. And it is that, if you have been working for a long time in the same company as is my case, you end up adapting a series of work patterns that are different from those of other companies.

In this sense, our company is quite traditional in the way it approaches work. In fact, it was quite difficult for him to put the appropriate means to facilitate teleworking at the most delicate moment of the pandemic because it was not an alternative applied until that moment in our company.

On the contrary, it is also true that the salaries are a little higher than in other competing companies. In any case, after collecting the Carabiner – lanyard pendants for the supplier tour, it is time to recover some of our good habits that have led us to be a reference in our sector.